尊龙凯时集团 The “business expertise” of SRE’s stock assets: the key is to improve post-investment management


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The “business expertise” of SRE’s stock assets: the key is to improve post-investment management

On April 25, 2017, a well-known real estate media view of the "2017 City Views Forum Shanghai" event was held in Jing’an Hilton Hotel. The meeting focused on "stock era of investment in the property boom". SRE Group was invited to participate in the meeting.

Faced with huge market opportunities, how to obtain high-quality stock assets, how to activate, optimize the stock assets and solve the capital problems caused by the large amount of assets, how to achieve higher returns, how to face competition, the ultimate capital and how to exit? The group shared with participants the experience of the field of cultivation asset Management since the group reorganization.

SRE group believes that in the era of stock assets, it is difficult to achieve substantial asset appreciation by increasing the value of land. At this stage, it is a key step to improve the value of assets through investment management.

Take strategy as the footstone and build an international Real Estate Financing platform

Reviewing the history of the development of the reorganization over the past year, according to the strategy of "investment, melt, pipe and retreat", the group pays attention to the key of post management, based on the three work of "strategy carding, Operation promotion and project withdrawal", and puts forward the transformation thinking of transforming the traditional real estate developer into the international financial real estate platform.

As China's private enterprises leading-Ching investment group, the financial real estate platform, the group relies on shareholders in the brand, finance, industry advantages, focus on building real estate asset management platform, in accordance with the new characteristics of the stock age, combined with the development of the enterprise itself, finally established the developed international core Cities, Along the way high growth area and the domestic first-tier city three key markets.

Take post-investment management as the key point and improve the group’s whole competitiveness

After the reorganization, the top group adjusted the management structure, further strengthened the headquarters control and service functions, and perfected the enterprise management system from the aspects of system and responsibility. Combing the basic situation of internal personnel, tapping the potential of internal talent, on the other hand, the introduction of a number of backbone to further enhance the professional level of the team.

In the early years, the financial situation of the upper group is grim, the short-term payment is high, the capital cost is high, the ratio of assets and liabilities is high, the project exit, the equity cooperation, the financing and so on have solved the problem of cash flow properly.

As a veteran real estate company, it has advantages in moving demolition, engineering, design, cost, marketing and so on. After the reorganization, the group has further strengthened these advantages. 2016, the project of Daxing Street in Huangpu District after 12 years of twists and turns, through employing, mechanism and other aspects of adjustment, one year successively through a round, two rounds of consultation, become the highlight of the old Shanghai project.

Since 2016, the company has been actively engaged in project development, which has formed the characteristics of "three simultaneous layouts", namely "synchronous layout of international and domestic markets, development business and holding of assets, synchronized layout of assets and the operation of heavy and heavy capital". Data show that the group has more than a year in Shanghai, London, Sydney, San Francisco and other international portals to the layout of a number of projects, the core development strategy has become increasingly clear.

Take exit as the goal and achieve asset premium at last

The success of the project management will ultimately depend on the smooth exit and the realization of the income. Over the past year, to seize market opportunities, according to the Enterprise development strategy, the smooth realization of some of the project exit, enhance the enterprise efficiency.

2016 is the first year after the reorganization of the group, through management to upgrade the end of the 2014 continuous loss since the situation, the success of the profit, the whole year to achieve net profits of about 343 million yuan.

Over the past year, the group has increased the profitability of the project operations in a variety of ways. For the overall strategic development is not consistent with the higher market risk of the industry, on the gradually market-oriented treatment; For equity cooperation projects, the top is to go all out to promote value, do their best to achieve the maximum expected return on earnings.

In the market environment of incremental market development becoming mature, facing the fierce market competition, the top group will explore the new path of asset management development through its own efforts.
